Basically it comes in three parts [as of 27/07/2014]; Primer, Part I and Part II:
- [THESIS (Primer)] : Interactive Software Design [Games Design]
- [THESIS (Part I)] : Lessons from History [Reinventing the MOBA]
- [THESIS (Part II)] : As Above, So Below [Reinventing the MMORPG]
- [THESIS (Part III)]: Variants on Thematic [Genre Paragons] [Concept]
These include both theoretical doctrine and practical implementation.
The primer covers base games design of the games engine which is the produced artifact of the thesis.
The components of the base structure consist mainly of the wrapper - primary/secondary UI's - and then a lot of theory on defining, building, and implementing moduler game system components.Part I and Part II of the thesis on the other hand are how to construct a game from the micro to macro system structure scale.
This is to say that Part I covers how to build a MOBA which is a micro scale system structure where the gameplay is set as a scaling match between two teams of players; a microcosm of a total game from start to finish.
And Part II covers how to build a MMORPG which is simply an enlarged version of a MOBA environment, a true virtual world, with a variant analogue end-game and multiple MOBA variants installed and accessed from within the structure; a lobby to variable MOBAs plural.
Part III is something of a theory, a concept, a work in progress, but a logical progression of the content.The titles, 'Lessons from History' and 'As Above, So Below' are relative to two fundamental concepts from my games development ethos, 'Variants on Thematic' however is simply a modified cliche:
- Lessons from History: you learn from history or are doomed to repeat the same mistakes as those who've previously made games like yours.
- As Above, So Below: in this universe the microscopic inevitably resembles the macroscopic, and the same applies to computer games in that the most effective virtual systems are always those based on those that exist in reality.
- Variants on Thematic: Variations on a theme; a example of something which is the same format but a slightly altered copy, part three regarding different versions of part one, different genres, all encapsulated within the product of part two. A virtual universe containing many a different world.